2020 overview
Second half of 2020 was spent almost entirely on CMIP6 work.
- UKESM GA talk
- ACSIS meeting presentation on OH and CH4 in CCMI REFC1SD simulations
Project meetings
- Meeting with Cornelius Zetsch and Rolf Sander on tropospheric Cl fields
- Meeting with Rob Jackson, Sam Abernathy and Cambridge on methane in SSPs
- hosted UKESM1/AerChemMIP analysis workshop
- H2 meetings
- CMIP6 ozone project paper meetings
H2 economy
- rederive formula for CH4 levels given feedback factors and lifetime changes as in West et al. 2009
- H2 project meetings
Schmidt Data for Science residency
- One of approx thirty researchers selected to take part in a five-week residency in data science techniques as applied to scientific research problems.
- Work on UKCA User developer policy
- UKCA user survey
Supervision of project on ozone budgets
- drawing on Bates and Jacob, 2020.
Code / Science
- update figures for Fiona O’Connor’s ERF paper
- ozone budget and burden analysis for histSST-piVOC and histSST-piNOx experiments
- ERF for H2 economy emissions changes
- work on feedback factors in methane and H2 economy jobs
- work on STE in other models
- STE analysis for CMIP6 experiments
- 1960 CH4 methane attribution run
- work on STE in UKESM1
- Updates to David Wade’s Samalas paper
- Updates to Fiona’s ERF paper
- work on comparing UKESM1 with observations over Malaysia peninsula
- reviews for JAMES and Atmospheric Environment
Finish CMIP6 updates
- STE calculations for GISS-E21-G, GFDL-ESM4 and UKESM1-0-LL
- emissions updates
- revised OPE calculations
- update Chapter 6 draft figure of evolution of ozone burden
December frenzy
- submit JAMES paper for re-review
- first look at MRI Ozone budget data
- first look at CCMI REFC1SD
- finish up tropospheric ozone burden calculation for CESM2-WACCM
- finish up validation script for tropopsheric ozone burden calculation for GFDL-ESM4
- review paper for JAMES
- work on ERF paper review
- first look at histSST, histSST-piAer, histSST-piCH4 and histSST-piO3 ozone budget data
- attend Software Carpentry course
- present at group CH4/H2 meeting, and to Stanford group
CMIP6 victory pizzas with Matt Shin and James Keeble
Trip to UKM, Malaysia. Gave a talk at UKM on methane
Masks on the plane back from BK
Organised a nice Cambridge methane meeting on “Bounding the Role of Methane in the Earth System”, at which I gave a talk.
Supervisions for B4 and IDP1.
Started looking at tropospheric oxidising capacity and CMIP6 histSST-piX experiments.
UKCA CMG and Chemistry Working Group meetings
Start addressing CMIP6 reviewers comments
Seminar at UKESM group - slides
TFHTAP meetings
CMIP6 analysis workshop
EGU online 2020, PICO session
ACSIS E2E work
AR6 work
Talk at UKESM General Assembly slides
Talk with Cornelius Zetsch about FeCl work
- Data science registry