Atmospheric Composition and model biases: Tropospheric Ozone


Paul Griffiths, Lee Murray, Alex Archibald, Vaishali Naik, Prodromos Zanis and others

Breakout session December 2nd 1500 UTC

For co-authors - What has CMIP6 added and what can we do next? Five models analysed/assessed for CMIP6 Is this enough? What can be done to increase data availability?

Ozone burdens/concentration - CMIP6 progress? Future work?

  • Evaluation of ozone against observations
  • More clarity on 19th century ozone levels
  • Transient experiments - comparison against trends now possible
  • Did we make the most/best use of TOAR-Observations - longer time series but recommendation to - use zonal means, aggregated across stations/zones.
  • Further use of other types of in-situ measurements for evaluation, e.g. IAGOS? Draw on TOAR-II - Harmonisation of free-tropospheric measurements?
  • Better use of satellite data, e.g. draw on TOAR-II Satellite ozone working group
  • Ozone burden
  • Very sensitive to tropospheric definition
  • Does the WMO tropopause output work well enough for ozone burden calculations?
  • O3 output available more widely than tropopause pressure (PTP)
  • Back to 150ppbv (AR5) ozonopause / 125 ppbv (TOAR) definitions?
  • Difficulty in comparing burden against observations (TOAR-Climate)
  • Higher time frequency data?

Ozone budgets - how did CMIP6 progress? Future work?

  • O3PROD and O3LOSS for AERChemMIP output
  • O3PROD the sum of all the HO2/RO2 + NO reactions (as k[HO2][NO])
  • O3LOSS (i) O(1D)+H2O; (ii) O3+HO2; (iii) O3+OH; (iv) O3+alkenes (isoprene, ethene,…)
  • Worked well but there were some bugs in CMOR-ising/processing
  • Definitely a case for saving intermediate reaction output for a short period in case of - re-processing, and for early evaluation (multi-model) of output
  • Closes budget? Impacts?
  • Deposition? DryNOy and DryO3 provided, as well as wetNOy but implementation/definitions - variable- capturing wet deposition accurately between models an issue
  • Simpler terms possible?
  • Role of stratosphere?
  • Better diagnostics for quantifying Strat-to-Trop transport, or understanding role of circulation
  • TOAR-II ROSTEES working group to look again at O3STE, e90 in CCMI2022, different methods for - calculating STT (stratospheric ozone, tropospheric ozone residuals)
  • Improving ozone budget treatment?
  • Extensive, but tractable diagnostic output required for Oy budget (Bates and Jacob) or spin/- bond processing (Evans and Edwards) would be prohibitive in long transient experiments
  • Targeted experiments required - expanding beyond Ox/Oy into HOy, NOy
  • Work for the TOAR-II Global and Regional Models working group?

Experimental design - future work?

  • AerChemMIP deliberately focuses on SSP3-7.0 - improve collaboration with other MIPS?
  • Other scenarios? Filling out the impact of policy on air quality?
  • Making the scenarios more realistic and more varied
  • Focusing on regional variability within scenarios, esp in the tropics
  • Pulling in input from expert/interested parties in generating new scenarios, around e.g. - net-zero
  • Attribution experiments - how to follow on?
  • hist/histSST/piX experiments - did we capture all that we need? Do we need more?
  • High time-frequency output for AQ/human health?
  • Do we know what the vegetation/health communities need - connect to TOAR again here?
  • Availability?
  • New variants of SSPs to target specific (policy?) questions?
  • Experiments aimed at assessing specific processes?
  • Emissions, deposition, transport/meteorology
  • Trends and/or biases?
  • Earth system processes - lightning, fire, biogenic VOC
  • Further experiments aimed at understanding climate penalties and benefits and the role of - emissions reductions?

What are the drivers of intermodal differences?

  • Chemical scheme - do we need a chemistry-focused MIP/experiment?
  • AerChemMIP and DeCK make this difficult
  • What should a chemistry DeCK look like - a definite follow-up!
  • O3 and CO have been a focus, what about reservoirs - H2O2, NOy etc
  • Diagnostic output - are there missing/simpler diagnostics that enable models to be better - compared?
  • What could be done with the current output that enable multi-model process focus (ideally - evaluation)
  • Operator tendencies urgently required
  • Experiments targeted on processes?
  • Understanding the role of missing processes, e.g. halogens, RO2 chemistry?
  • Unravelling regional biases
  • The role of the stratosphere?
  • Focused experiments on role of stratospheric ozone and dynamics?
  • Biogenic VOCs?
  • A big source of uncertainty for ERF calculations? - experiments to better understand PI ozone - and aerosols?

Breakout session TriMIPAthlon



AF: have done 12 ensemble using WACCM - compared against Gaudel TOAR data - good regional agreement against OMI/MLS. Ensemble gives assessment of range of model data. Some regions of concern: BL/emissions influence, e.g. Tropics. Propose: assess regionally and using ensembles.

ATA: analysis of O3PRE, O3RES and intermediates required

David S: model evaluation using seasonal cycles and diurnal cycles

Mike P: separate strat from trop as they have different patterns of change - strat varies little last 20 years - can also use strat O3 for evaluation, e.g. QBO, N2O, col O3. Budgets not very satisfying - don’t compare well. AToM shows that chemistry/transport effects important. Avoid residual methods - improve diagnostics for STT


Olivia C: output dry deposition velocities, focus on process based diagnostics for model intercomparison

KS: data request huge

LM: frequently not accurate

ATA: CCMI shows it can be done but narrow down data requirement

MP: time for some sensitivity experiments: methane and O3 feedbacks.

David S: did CMOR-ising add a burden?

Chemistry DeCK

ATA: a chemistry DeCK is (too) big. What should be priority?

KS: understanding model differences is a major undertaking, but major